Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Last chance!

Well... maybe.

If you have not re-certified and live in the Albuquerque area you need to attend the ASRA meeting Tuesday, 01/13/08 at 7:00pm. This will be one of your last opportunities to take your test and get your 2009 badge. Keep in mind that you must have the required number of training hours to be eligible to take the test and re-certify. Attending the monthly meetings, the annual clinic, "other" clinics and Game of the Week training sessions all count towards the required yearly training hours.

If you do not have a 2009 badge this is a good sign that you are not yet re-certified. Remember: you must certify every year to be able to do games. The assignors will not be able to give you assignments if you are not registered.

Contact your DRA if you have any questions!

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