Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fitness Resource

Does it seem like a lot of information has been provided on fitness? Well, you are correct! This is because fitness is an important part of being a good referee. Not only are you more likely to be in the right place to get the call correct, you'll also be thinking less about how much you hurt and more about "was that a red card?" Being in proper shape before the season starts can reduce the chance of an injury, as well.

Mark Merritt was nice enough to pass along one of the best fitness training guides geared for referees I've ever seen. Take some time to go through the various workouts and you'll see how valuable a resource this is.

Weekly Training Plans

Its never a bad time to start focusing on your fitness. Just remember to build a "base" before going full-out into a new workout regime. If you would like some company on your run email Orion Stradford, as I'm sure some of these workouts will find their way into the running group.

Thanks again for finding this Mark!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Running Group to Continue!!

The NMSRA Running Group is scheduled to continue in Mid-March, so watch your e-mail for updates! We will be running on Wednesday evenings during the season. If you'd like to be added to the list, please contact me at ostrad625@comcast.net